Pet Homes

Having the two dogs, which were indoor/outdooe and one outdoor cat that was permanently indoors, I realized that I needed special places for them.  I looked around and was not happy with the doghouses I could find that were available.  I came across a unique design of someone using a used wine barrel for a dog house.  I found a local supplier of wine caskets and went to look and buy.  While there, he showed me his inventory and I decided that the small caskets would work for a cat tree.  I had seen commercial cat trees and felt they were flimsy and unappealing.  So, with the gentleman's help, I was able to think of a design.  The guy cut the barrels for me as I am not that talented and he built me a stand for the dog house.  

The cat loves her tree but only one dog will use the house--the other gets wet.  Oh well, partial success.  

Supplies for the two projects.
I used an oil type stain/finish.

Here is the doghouse in my finished courtyard.  I think it makes a nice accent piece for the area.  

Here is the finished cattree--I have placed it so the cat can look out into the chicken yard area and watch the birds.  And that is exactly what she is doing.

Here is Pinch using the top crows nest to sleep in and if you look below on the other photo, you can see part of her face in the lower barrel.  The legs are scratching posts and have been well used now.



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