Aquaponics--Full Circle

Today I decided to eat my catfish.  I had pulled a bag of catfish out of the freezer 2 days ago and they were thawed enough to cook.  I put the fish in the bottom of a glass pan, added freshly harvested swiss chard and collard greens.  I added a large sprig of rosemary (I grew that too, but not in the AQ system.) and poured balsamic vinegar on top of this all.  I steamed baked it and viola, I had lunch.  I overcooked the meat some as I knew my catfish had some sort of redness to them, indicating a health issue for them and my other catfish and possibly blue gill but not for me, unless I ate the meat raw or undercooked.  I made sure to not eat much during the morning so I would be hungry and not have any qualms about eating my fish.  The meal was quite tasty.  The meat came off of the bones nicely.  I took a picture of my meal.  The tomatoes grew in the aquaponics set up too--thus, full circle.  The fish were growing and fouling the water, while the plants were growing and cleaning the water up, repeat. . .  Two years later.  There are two or three strawberries ripening in the AQ system, which I intend to pick/eat when I go out for my evening check.  So, a meal and then dessert.

I think that I was able to do this easier as I have been watching "Chasing Monsters" with Cyril on Netflix.  I have been laughing and screaming at his antics.  I never thought a fishing show could be so exciting.  


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