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I have been absent from my blog for about 4 years it seems.  So much has happened in that time.  I shall try and fill in the gaps.  However, I shall write a little bit about what I have been undergoing recently.   About 2 years ago, my pinkie on my right hand was tingling, like the nerve was pinched.  I was not too concerned until my ring finger wanted to join in the fun and tingle too.  I saw my dr. and she thought perhaps I had a pinched nerve and prescribed a muscle relaxer.  I decided to see my chiropractor as maybe he could help as I was not too sure about the muscle relaxer med.  After seeing him a few times for adjustments and, having some acupuncture done too, my fingers still tingled and more of my arm had started up.  I saw my dr. for a follow up and something I said, made her rethink her pinched nerve idea.  She decided to test the bottom of my feet to see if I could feel anything.  She pricked me and I did not feel it.  I actually told her that maybe she did not do it corre

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