AQ--Another setback

Thursday, July 18, 2019

This morning's check on the AQ system was a major disappointment.  Sometime in the past day, the GFCI outlet in the GH had been tripped and power to it was off, meaning all the components of the AQ system were off.  I do not think that it was over 24 hours, but whatever the timeframe was, it was enough for a major fish kill.  I have been scooping dead fish out all day.  My compost bin will be enriched.  I am figuring that it might be the loss of oxygen to the system as I know that is majorly important, however, I do not know really why.  I intend to take a chemical reading after I have scooped all the dead fish out--I think I am close.  There were numerous catfish that were edible size.  I am just so upset about this.  I am disheartened.  I am beginning to wonder at what point do I decide to throw in the towel?

I harvested the peaches today as the chickens have discovered them and I guess are picking them off the tree.  The peaches came off easily so they are close to being ripe.  I have 5 peaches and a few are a decent size.  The tree is still puny and parts are broken due to the weight of the peaches.  I shall be pruning it again this fall.  I pruned all of the trees/grapes and bushes so any fruit would not be harmful to them but I guess it still takes time.  At least I know the peach tree is happy.  The grapes are growing great and I look forward to them ripening.  Hopefully the chickens and other critters will let me enjoy the harvest too.


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